The ability to achieve goals in the sports context is clearly linked to our physical condition. If we talk about a measure to know the performance of an athlete, in sports that are mainly aerobic -which imply long periods of time- such as cycling, swimming, tennis, long distance running, skating, etc., the key words are: ‘VO2 max’.
What is ‘VO2 max’?
It indicates the amount of oxygen consumed and transported to the muscles at high intensity physical activity. The higher the ‘VO2 max’ value, the greater the athlete’s performance.
How to measure it?
Measuring oxygen consumption directly and in a controlled way with an ergometer or cycle ergometer is an expensive. But calm down! You can do it yourself with the COOPER TEST. This test is scientifically endorsed as the most reliable test compared to the direct measurement (Beltz et al, 2016) and it is simple:
It consists of measuring the distance traveled on homogeneous/flat terrain for 12 minutes at maximum effort, therefore, a high degree of motivation is required to obtain a truly representative result.
For example, you can do the test on a 400m circular track. The 12min are counted, also recording each lap completed, at the end of the time the end point is marked, and the total number of laps traveled is counted, this value is multiplied by 400m and the distance traveled in the final incomplete lap is added. The above value is converted to kilometers and inserted into the following equation:
VO2max (ml/kg/min) = (22.351 x Total distance (km)) – 11.288
Another option is to choose a flat terrain and use an app to measure the distance during the 12 minutes established by the test and insert the value in the formula. It’s important to start at a medium speed and increase it according to your physical condition, do not make many speed changes, you must stay 12 continuous minutes.
All you need is a stopwatch, a meter or your phone and do your best to know how pro you are!
Do I have a good sports performance?
Depending on your sex and age, in the following table you can find reference values according to your own VO2max. And if it doesn’t turn out as good as you thought, don’t worry! There are studies that affirm that VO2max can be improved by up to 15%.
Women (ml/kg/min) | ||||||
Age | Very low | Low | Normal | Good | Excellent | Superior |
13-19 | <25,0 | 25,0 – 30,9 | 31,0 – 34,9 | 35,0 – 38,9 | 39,0 – 41,9 | >41,9 |
20-29 | <23,6 | 23,6 – 28,9 | 29,0 – 32,9 | 33,0 – 36,9 | 37,0 – 41,0 | >41,0 |
30-39 | <22,8 | 22,8 – 26,9 | 27,0 – 31,4 | 31,5 – 35,6 | 35,7 – 40,0 | >40,0 |
40-49 | <21,0 | 21,0 – 24,4 | 24,5 – 28,9 | 29,0 – 32,8 | 32,9 – 36,9 | >36,9 |
50-59 | <20,2 | 20,2 – 22,7 | 22,8 – 26,9 | 27,0 – 31,4 | 31,5 – 35,7 | >35,7 |
60+ | <17,5 | 17,5 – 20,1 | 20,2 – 24,4 | 24,5 – 30,2 | 30,3 – 31,4 | >31,4 |
Men (ml/kg/min) | ||||||
Age | Very low | Low | Normal | Good | Excellent | Superior |
13-19 | <35,0 | 35,0 – 38,3 | 38,4 – 45,1 | 45,2 – 50,9 | 51,0 – 55,9 | >55,9 |
20-29 | <33,0 | 33,0 – 36,4 | 36,5 – 42,4 | 42,5 – 46,4 | 46,5 – 52,4 | >52,4 |
30-39 | <31,5 | 31,5 – 35,4 | 35,5 – 40,9 | 41,0 – 44,9 | 45,0 – 49,4 | >49,4 |
40-49 | <30,2 | 30,2 – 33,5 | 33,6 – 38,9 | 39,0 – 43,7 | 43,8 – 48,0 | >48,0 |
50-59 | <26,1 | 26,1 – 30,9 | 31,0 – 35,7 | 35,8 – 40,9 | 41,0 – 45,3 | >45,3 |
60+ | <20,5 | 20,5 – 26,0 | 26,1 – 32,2 | 32,3 – 36,4 | 36,5 – 44,2 | >44,2 |
Remember: The most important factor that affects sports performance is hydration, that’s why, we invite you to become a pro, in the company of TITANIUM!